Brown Bat Prop
- Body is 15″ long, wingspan is 32″
- Foam body is covered with fleece fabric and faux fur
- Wings are fleece fabric stretched over plastic “bones”
- Clear monofilament loop attached to neck for hanging
Drive your party guests batty when their eyes stumble upon this little guy hanging just out of reach, or propped in a dark corner.
Bats have gotten a pretty bad rep over the years, what with the rabies and association with their fellow blood suckers, vampires, it is not hard to see why we are trained to be scared. However, when bats are curled up sleeping, they are actually very cute. If you squint your left eye, stand on 9 toes, and spin around three times, they look like little fuzzy Hershey kisses!
Now, when they are flying from cave to cave, that’s a whole different story. They look downright scary! Freak out your guests by hanging this Brown Bat Prop on your porch or from your chandelier. This bat would love to watch over you while you eat, or perhaps eat itself…